February 6, 2025

2022 was a year for Sycope

Small sum up for 2022. As we had into 2023, we're proud to reflect on everything that happened over the past year.

2022 was an incredible year for Sycope


In our continued work towards creation of the most efficient solution for network traffic monitoring and security, we've definitely hit a number of exciting milestones along the way. Further development of the product, numerous demo sessions and POC's being completed, writing a lot of content on network monitoring and security, and forming invaluable technology partnerships…our team has been busy. As we had into 2023,we're proud to reflect on everything that happened over the past year.

New Sycope 2.0

February was a month of change for us, we have introduced Sycope 2.0 to the world, that was accompanied by the big event for our partners, distributors and clients.

Our focus was to create a solution giving you added value from day one, but at the same time with flexibility needed, which is not given by other products from the market.

We achieved that thanks to:

  • Flexible engine - High performance data collection, multiple flow protocol support, embedded deduplication 2.0, customized dashboards and visualization.
  • Own query language tailored for monitoring system use cases, provides high performance for obtaining accurate data, allows for creation and calculation of any new metrics.
  • Out-of-the-box workflows Selection of ready to use workflows for multiple use cases, dedicated for NOC/SOC teams, network/security forensic and business reporting.
  • L7 Probe No application will remain hidden anymore. L7 app detection and application response times measurements.

“A system which is ready to work in one day - that’s not standard fare. We were pleasantly surprised at the ease of installation and integration of Sycope with our other systems”

Artur Wójcik

The biggest Oncology Center in Central-Eastern Europe

Sycope 2.0 premiere
Sycope 2.0

New technology partnership

Technology partnerships are a valuable way for us to access new technology and expertise, expand our reach, and increase their competitiveness in the market.

Our work was noticed by the partners in the network, which resulted in many technology partnerships which was created.

Integration with macmon NAC

We partner up with macmon, Berlin-based company. Sycope is using macmon's API to send the mitigation task for a suspicious IP. All the necessary code is implemented. The only action required is to set up the credentials to the macmon system. No addition­ allines of code are necessary. lt is as simple as that.

Partnership with Garland

We partner up with Garland Technology - an industry leader of IT and OT network solutions for enterprise, critical infrastructures, and government agencies worldwide. Since 2011, Garland Technology has been engineering and manufacturing simple, reliable, and affordable Network TAPs and Network Packet Brokers in Richardson, Texas.

Our partnership was a natural step for us, due to high compatibility of the products. Sycope Probe measures server network time, client network time, initial server response time, client retransmissions and server retransmissions, in terms of Bytes, Packets and % of Packets. The Probe needs to see 100% of the traffic on the network link, and the only way to do that is by using a Network TAP. Using an SPAN port as an alternative access method, will likely drop packets if the link becomes oversubscribed, causing the Sycope Probe to miss out on key network data.

Having the benefits such as:

  • Complete network visibility by passing all live wire data
  • Ensure no dropped packets for out-of-band tools
  • Transformation of raw packets into Flow data
  • Provides NetFlowv5/v9 or IPFIX
  • Easy to deploy, flexible and scalable to meet the needs of any network

Partnerhip with Billon

Sycope partnered up with BILLON GROUP LIMITED, creator of the Unified Blockchain Platform. Under this partnership, Sycope's customers can now access the Billon platform – allowing them to store, share, validate and attest any or selected information, documents or data sets utilized in the execution of cybersecurity processes.

New distributors on board!

Co.Next d.o.o. become our distributor for Central and South-Eastern Europe.The general distributor Co.Next is an international value-added distributor of IT equipment and services in Central and South Eastern Europe. The company offers value added services like market development, presales activities, education and after sales support for the leading IT vendors they represent.

Softprom - Softprom a leading IT Distributor in Eastern & Central Europe, and the CIS with a portfolio of more than one hundred vendors. The company was founded in 1999 and nowadays, it is represented on the territory in more than 30 countries. Softprom provides professional testing, training, installation, implementation, and technical support services in directions: Cybersecurity, Cloud, IT Infrastructure, Video Security, CAD & Graphics. Thanks to this partnership we had strengthen our presence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

Nuvola become our distributor for the UK and Ireland markets since December!. It is the latest agreement which is opening new markets for Sycope product. Nuvola Distribution is a global Technology and Services Distributor with office and logistics centers throughout European. In today’s IT environment the reseller must be able to deliver the ‘Total Solution’ and by partnering with Nuvola we will be able to ensure that our business is always in a position to propose a fully integrated IT offering to our customers. For the resellers, it means, that you can work with our Technical Consultants to design the best solution for your customers with the necessary services to win and deliver new business.

Entec - The distribution agreement enables Entec Solutions a.s. to offer Sycope’ products in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and providing presales support for potential clients. Entec Solutions a.s. a subsidiary of SWS a.s. focused on value added distribution (VAD distributor). The main focus of the company is the sale of products and services exclusively through a channel of authorized partners. The company offers value added services like market development, presales activities, education and after sales support for the leading IT vendors.

We took part in many events all around Europe!

After the pandemic, events gradually returned to being held in person. This was a welcome development, as it allowed us to attend various events and connect with partners and clients in person once again.

it-sa 2022 in Nuremberg
Together with Entec during conference in Czech republic
Nuvias Summit 2022
Co.Next conference in Serbia

Sycope is present now in more than 33 countries!

Thanks to cooperation with our distributors and partners, we have increased our presence in European and Asian markets :)

Countries where we are present through our distributors and partners


All in all, 2022 was a year filled with meaningful work and exciting projects milestones. We’rein credibly grateful to the partners and community who have supported us in our journey so far. We hope you’ll continue to follow our progress in 2023 and are very excited for what’s to come.

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